Friday, December 9, 2011


Ogoh-ogoh is a  holy culture in Bali. His presence became one complementary Nyepi ritual.

The day before Nyepi, the Hindu community in Bali in particular, carry out the tradition pengrupukan. This tradition is a kind of procession returns to its origin at the time bhuta. According to belief, they are awakened with the tools, torches generally; fire saprakpak, sprayed meswi, sounds kentongan carried around the house. Meanwhile, tangible ogoh-ogoh, the "bhuta kala" and then marched towards Catus pata, crossroad.

Ogoh-ogoh parade is held each time almost always welcome Nyepi day. Way they are cooked in such a way with variations in the form of creepy. There are tangible giants, gods and goddesses perjelmaan in his murti, taking characters from the story using puppets or figures that are popular. They assembled a compelling blend of aesthetics in visual art.

Almost every year, the existence of ogoh-ogoh tub penggenap mandatory in the tradition of welcoming Nyepi. Lively parade has always been a highly anticipated attraction.
Naming ogoh-ogoh were taken from the title dim view of the Balinese language. That is something shake. Ogoh-ogoh even immortalized in a song is quite popular Bali. The words dicatumkan as the lyrics read "dim view, ogoh-ogoh, kala-time lumamapah / dim view, ogoh-ogoh, ngiterin village ...".

Year 1983 could be an important part in the history of ogoh-ogoh in Bali. In that year began to be made at the time bhuta forms with respect to ritual Nyepi in Bali. "When there is a presidential decree which declared a national holiday Nyepi,". Since then people began to make piles of embodiment which is then called ogoh-ogoh, in some places in Bali

The new culture is increasingly spread when ogoh-ogoh included in the Bali Arts Festival XII. Eight counties to contribute.

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